Best Human Hair Weaves from berrys fashion official store for Virgin-Hair Frontal Transparent Lace Straight 13x6 13x4 Pre-Plucked Bleached Brazilian
Buying and selling Virgin-Hair Frontal Transparent Lace Straight 13x6 13x4 Pre-Plucked Bleached Brazilian online can be quite convenient and rewarding nevertheless, you always have to protect yourself. If a deal looks too very good to be true, it usually is. If you don't feel hundred percent secure on a particular internet site, leave it and find something else. Likewise, make sure that your computer is well protected before you begin any deal that involves sensitive information. There are a lot of scams on the internet that may negatively affect your credit score and cost you money, so be proactive in your research to locate the most out of shopping online....Get Yours
Customer reviews:
Date: 30 Dec 2020Logistics: Seller's Shipping Method
Adooorei. Chegou um dia antes da data final da estimativa de entrega. .Já comprei uma vez mas comprei ondulada e desta vez, durante a quarentena, comprei lisa. Estou amando poder recuperar a minha auto estima de novo. Sou Calvo e uso top closure desde 2017
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 23 Feb 2021Logistics: DHL
I received the frontal and it's beautiful. I received the hair very fast and the price is affordable for such high quality hair. The hair is definitely good, I will recommend it and the customer service is very great and they answer you in a timely manner.
AliExpress Shopper
Date: 14 Apr 2021Logistics: DHL
Lovely frontal. Came extremely fast and is good for the price. Will leave photographic feedback soon
Date: 19 Mar 2021Logistics: DHL
The frontal is perfect!!! The lace is so thin which is perfect for achieving that melted look. At first I was unsure about the thin lace as I felt that the hairs will fall out and the knots won’t be secure. However the knots are very secure and are not super thick. I also liked that the frontal has very minimal shedding and it is true to length and doesn’t contain all those small hairs that companies use to make the frontal fuller rather than use the correct length. I would have given this five stars but the knots took a bit longer to bleach and I had to bleach them twice. Other than that it’s absolutely worth the price.
Date: 19 Apr 2021Logistics: DHL
thanks to berrys fashion official store for Virgin-Hair Frontal Transparent Lace Straight 13x6 13x4 Pre-Plucked Bleached Brazilian
Date: 17 Apr 2021Logistics: DHL
thanks to berrys fashion official store for Virgin-Hair Frontal Transparent Lace Straight 13x6 13x4 Pre-Plucked Bleached Brazilian
Date: 01 Apr 2021Logistics: DHL
thanks to berrys fashion official store for Virgin-Hair Frontal Transparent Lace Straight 13x6 13x4 Pre-Plucked Bleached Brazilian